Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Conquering an Addiction: September Book Ban (Day 7)

Day 7…. muahahahahhaaaahhaa. Nope, I haven’t broken down yet. :D I even went to the bookstore twice, just to get a frozen drink and didn’t buy anything. I looked at a couple of books, even picked some up and read the first few pages, but none came home with me. Taking a good hard look at what I own has really opened up my eyes and made me realize that I really shouldn’t buy anymore until I get through these stacks. So far I’ve read 2 of my own books, which includes one smutty book for Smut-tember Fest. Go me! 23 days more to go!


  1. Woohoo way to go Jackie. Almost had a fatal accident on the Book Depository myself but evaded it...

  2. Haha! You need to stay off that site Fi!

  3. Hey Jackie! Good for you! I'm so proud! :D

    1st Smut-tember status update here: http://escapismthroughbooks.blogspot.com/2010/09/smut-tember-line-up-and-progress-report.html

